Sunday, August 14, 2011

Iceberglets, Rocky Mountain National Park 
Pristine pond at 11000'. Great hike/scramble to reach it.
Primitive Forest, Rocky Mountain National Park
Fantastic backpacking trip last weekend--More images to follow. This one was shot with my iphone after the camera battery died--taken just beyond our campsite on Fern Lake. Overflow from the lake becomes a rushing stream. Moisture hangs in the air. The first morning light slips through giant pine trees while a pair of Ptarmigans scratch around on the forest floor behind me... I'm sure all that comes through clearly in this image.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Avian Crucifixion. Boulder, Colorado
Despite the symbolic position of this unfortunate pigeon’s body and the fact he’d had been run over repeatedly, once by a city bus seconds before this shot, I like to think he felt no pain.
Grass Geometry, Evergreen Colorado 

Channeling my hero Andy Goldsworthy on the 4th of July--Love the notion of creating art for the act of creating and not the creation itself.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Cloud Fungi. Costa Rica

Feels right right now.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Enduring Flowers. NYC

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there, especially mine.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Pussy Willow #7. Elk Grove, Illinois

Shot in my beloved Busse Woods over the Easter holiday. Spent much of my impressionable youth wandering around out there.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Big 45
A little slow on my post honoring "Record Store Day." Hope everyone is celebrating old school-style. This image was created using an elaborate camera rig I labored over for a several weeks--Guess it didn't have to be made in part of cocobolo wood. The rig is designed to allow precise camera movement and ultimately the combining of several images to make one really big one. This one is 15000 pixels tall for you photo geeks. Planning on turning it into a resin covered table top.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Big wet kitty. Keenesburg, Colorado

The Wild Animal Sanctuary, about 60 miles out of Denver is an incredible place. Quite surreal to see majestic critters like this guy roaming the grassy Colorado plains.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Rush Hour in the Medina. Marrakesh, Morocco

The morning is my favorite time. Love seeing a place and its people coming to life. Touristy places are less touristy. The locals are often more tolerant before they're resaturated with us.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Morocman. Fes, Morocco

Nobody wants to have their picture taken in Morocco. Nobody seems to want pictures of anything taken in Morocco. This nice man kissed the cash I gave him. 5 shots in 3 seconds. He became increasingly uncomfortable--visible tension in his hands and face. At 4 seconds, the locals abruptly escorted me from the area.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Boa. eyecandy

The latest piece of  eyecandy. Among the favs at Denver opening. Classic candy fashion. Clearly an outlier--Breaks the anonymity precedent. Set out to create a cotton candy beehive hairdo. Believe you me, it's hard to make one of those look beautiful.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Oasis. Skoura, Morocco

Bonafide. Surrounded by high desert in all directions, natural springs feed a beautiful palm forest. True sand castles, or kasbahs are hidden within. Go there--Ask for Soufiane.

Nothing Else Matters. Santa Monica

Monday, March 7, 2011

Evil Twins. Vancouver

Please don't ask any questions about these scary men. I'm still having nightmares.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Red's. San Francisco.

The outskirts of Chinatown, 2010. No big story. Creating images like this one always makes me happy.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Beauty and Sadness. Costa Rica

Recently retitled. Still no doubt skeletal, primitive and creepy, but really how evil can anything be in pretty pink world?

Friday, February 25, 2011

Tantric turtles. St. James, Missouri
For some reason, critters like to do it in front of me. I’ve captured enough similar images to suggest a series. Let’s call it ‘Birds and the Bees’ for now. These two never missed a beat during our shoot. If you look closely into the male’s eye, you can see the unmistakable suggestion of “Do not screw this up for me buddy.” I can respect that.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

9’ Sausage. Boston
I was lucky enough to be invited into the inner sanctum of this Boston butcher shop. A little old lady, clearly a regular customer said the guys inside wouldn’t mind if I took a few shots. Got this tasty one before wearing out my welcome.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

1000 voices. NYC
View from the Manhattan Bridge. I love that people are nowhere to be found in this place of excessive personal expression. Let’s hope it takes ‘the man’ a good long while to clean up all this beauty.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Mexican pool hall, 7am, Zihuatanejo
No signs of all the tough talk and Pesos lost the night before. Shot through the bars.
Widow. Denver Colorado 
Probably the most sinister looking creature on the planet. Found this lovely specimen in my garage. Friend and fellow photographer Andrew Webb and I played with her later that evening. She never seemed to tire of fun photo scenarios we created for her. I’m sure she was just biding her time. Set her free in the alley many houses from my own. These spiders can live for several years. She may still be coming for me.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Licorice. Denver Colorado
The first image produced from the eyecandy series—my most ambitious project to date. 12 images (so far): 10 models, 9 kinds of adhesive, and more candy than a grown man should ever have in his possession. Would never have been possible without the generosity and support of many.
Moonwalkers. Vancouver British Columbia
Workers on the puffy roof of BC Place (where the 4th Olympic Torch had stage fright) were kind enough to pose for this shot. 
Busty. Marrakesh Morocco
This red torso hanging on the wall of a tailor’s shop may be perceived as a bit risqué in a conservative Muslim neighborhood. I find it kind of hot in a grandma’s closet kind of way.